In celebration of International Nurses Day, we have interviewed our nurses at Amaroo who go above and beyond every day for our clients and residents.
In our second blog post, we introduce you to our Clinical Nurse Manager at McMahon Caring Centre – Tracy.
Meet Tracy
Although Tracy comes from a family of nurses, from a young age she set out to pursue a different career path.
“I never really settled on one profession, I just knew I wanted to be a lawyer, teacher, or a doctor”, Tracy explains.
However, one day her grandparents sat down with Tracy and encouraged her to study nursing.
“My grandpa told me that pursuing a career in nursing would jumpstart my career one day, and he couldn’t have been more right.”
Soon after this conversation with her grandparents, Tracy began studying at nursing school, where she began to immerse herself in the theory and practical learnings.
“It didn’t take long for nursing to become a passion of mine – I had a desire to care, to nurture and most importantly, to make a difference in people’s lives.”
From the Philippines to Perth
Originally a hospital-trained nurse, when Tracy moved to Perth from the Philippines, she had to pivot her career.
“When I moved to Australia fourteen years ago, I transitioned into aged care nursing, as I knew they were more likely to be sponsored for a visa.”
After making the move to Australia, Tracy worked on the floor as a Registered Nurse.
“After my stint as a Registered Nurse, I made the move to a Clinical Nurse Manager role in two separate homes for almost a decade.
I then completed a short stint as an AN-ACC Specialist, which allowed me more time to spend with my beautiful daughter, Dahlia Hope.”
Working at Amaroo
Tracy’s journey at Amaroo first began in late 2023 when she joined McMahon Caring Centre as a Registered Nurse.
“I was really starting to miss nursing, so I made the move to McMahon Caring Centre. I truly enjoyed being out there and getting to know our residents and working closely with the other staff.”
However, after a month of working at Amaroo, Tracy’s exceptional talents were recognised, and she was asked to consider the role of Clinical Nurse Manager.
“For me, the answer was simple, the ocean was calling!”
Proudest achievements
When reflecting on her career to date, Tracy has one key achievement that she will forever be proud of.
“Together with my manager at another aged care home, we ran a program that was aimed at people who had been diagnosed with Younger Onset Dementia. We offered them a week-long respite stay, where we provided them with age-appropriate activities. This included trips to the Swan Valley, pamper days, trips to the football, the opportunity to play sports and much more”, Tracy explains.
However, Tracy knows that without the unwavering support from her family, she would not be where she is today.
“When I look back on my career to date, I am so proud of everything I have accomplished. I owe a lot to my family who worked so hard to send me to the best schools and provided for my every need.”