At Amaroo, we are fortunate to be governed by a Board of Directors that help drive our strategic growth. This month, we say goodbye to our current Board Chair, Tony Italiano, who has served on the Amaroo Board for over 22 years.
In this blog post, we introduce you to Tony and reflect on his fondest memories during his time at Amaroo.
The early days
“I was first introduced to Amaroo when I was a Councillor for the City of Gosnells. When you first start with the Council, they introduce you to certain community groups and committees, and Amaroo just happened to be one of them.”
After assisting Amaroo for a year through the City of Gosnells, a Board Director position became available, and Tony didn’t have to think twice about applying.
“I guess I had a fair bit of experience behind me. At this stage I was very engaged in the community and was a proud Rotarian since 1991 and the Chair of Sacred Heart Primary School.”
Fond memories
“I am lucky to have so many fond memories of Amaroo. A personal favourite would have to be our annual trips to the Great Southern region. We always went down around ANZAC Day and met with the residents at our Albany and Denmark Villages.”
Whilst visiting, the Board and then CEO, David Fenwick, would all meet and collaborate during a day of strategic workshops.
“Oh, and I definitely can’t forget the Albany gopher races. The Board, staff, and a couple of the residents all got on gophers and raced around the Village…I think I won too”, Tony laughs.
“It was a really powerful weekend. For me, these were fond memories with David and the Board.
So, what’s next?
Outside of Amaroo, Tony is a doting father to three children and also runs his own real estate business, Market Reality.
“Looking back, I really did have a lot on my plate. I’m excited to finally start slowing down and taking time to appreciate the small moments.”
“My kids are now 43, 42 and 40, and I now have a 7-year-old granddaughter who I see twice a week. She brings so much joy to my life and I can’t wait to watch her grow up.”
But as for Tony’s ties to Amaroo, he definitely won’t be a stranger.
“I will definitely keep in touch and can’t wait to see what’s next for Amaroo.”
Parting words
Reflecting on his time at Amaroo, Tony would not take back one thing he has accomplished over the past 22 years.
“My parting words of advice is to really embrace the community at Amaroo. Visit the residents and immerse yourself in the true Amaroo.”
From all of us at Amaroo, thank you Tony for all your hard work over the past 22 years, you will be missed.