Make a donation

We wouldn’t be able to provide the high-quality care and services that we do without your donations. Whether it’s a few dollars, a regular contribution, or the gifting of assets, every donation helps us to create truly inclusive communities that are built on exceptional care.

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Monetary donations

We accept monetary donations of any size, and all funds received helps us to improve our facilities, amenities, and provides increased comfort and care to our residents.

Any donation above $2.00 can be claimed as a tax deduction. To receive this deduction, the donation must be made to “Amaroo Village” for general purposes.

To make a donation, please contact us.

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Give a gift that leaves a legacy.

If you or a loved one would like to leave a bequest to Amaroo, we would be forever grateful. Every gift, regardless of its size, is greatly appreciated, and every item received is of immense value and benefit to residents.

The gifts that are most commonly bequeathed to us are estates, percentage of estates, or items of value.

To make a donation, please contact us.

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