Caring Facilities – Consumer Advisory Board


We proudly support the establishment of a Consumer Advisory Body made up of people who use our aged care services, their carers and family members.


We want to know what is important to you, so we can improve the quality of our services.

Members will be invited to share ideas and opinions about:



How is the feedback used?

The purpose of the advisory bodies is to provide Amaroo Care Services’ Board with feedback about the organisation’s quality of care for each of its services. Where a consumer advisory body is established, Amaroo Care Services will:

  • Consider the advisory body’s feedback when making decisions about the quality of care and services; and
  • Write to the advisory body about how its feedback was considered.


Who can join?

Every 12 months we will write to all residents and their representatives to seek interest in participating in a consumer advisory body. The advisory body is made up of current aged care residents, and the carers or close family members of those receiving our services. We welcome an inclusive Consumer Advisory Body including people who live with dementia or disability, as well as First Nations people, people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans/transgender, intersex, queer and other sexuality, gender, and bodily diverse people.


Interested? We’d love to hear from you.

Please submit a covering letter (max 500 words) identifying whether you currently receive Amaroo aged care services, or are a carer, supporter or family member of a resident, and additionally, an outline of your skills, experience, and attributes to: Applications close on Friday 27 October 2023.


View the information sheet